Parasites- Living Inside Your Body, Without Paying Rent!

Parasites…I know…the thought of them living inside your body feels like something from a horror movie.  When I talk to clients about how common it is for humans, even here in the US, to have parasites, most share the same sentiment…GROSS!!  Although I agree, perhaps the only thing grosser then knowing you have parasites, is […]

Watermelon Slurpy…Upgraded!

It’s summer and it’s HOT!  You’re looking for a refreshing cold drink that will give you energy rather than sabotage your health (like so many beverages). 7-Eleven has nothing on this one! This is super easy, inexpensive, fast to make and tastes amazing!  It’s a great drink to have post workout in the heat (after […]

The Mattress: Your Cradle for Dreamland

You spend about 1/3 of your life in your bed!  This is great news for health and longevity because at night while you sleep, your body is working hard for you to clean, repair and heal so you can anti-age and wake up refreshed for each new day.  That’s the good news.  All of that […]

Open Your EYES!

Vision is such a gift.  It allows us to experience the world with much more precision.  It’s a sense that we so often take for granted.  Think about how much greater life is when you can look into the eyes of a loved one or stare at the expanse of a sunset or majestic mountain […]

Save the Day with a Powerful Morning Routine

We build our life upon routines and habits.  Day after day, week after week…how are you starting your days?  I would propose that wherever you are in life right now is at least in part due to your habits and routines.  One of the most important aspects of this that I love to talk about […]

No More Anxiety

Anxiety.  It’s a term that we didn’t use much even 10 years ago.  But now it seems to be something that a vast majority of people are dealing with to one degree or another.  There are lots of terms that people can be synonymous with anxiety.  Some refer to it as stressed, frazzled, high strung, […]

Label Ingredients, Simplified

I have recently had several clients express how confusing it was to read food labels at the grocery store.  What does it all mean?  This post will give you the 101 on food labels and what the various terms mean (if anything). Although there are lots of issues and confusion around food labels, studies do […]

Do I Need to Take Supplements FOREVER?

Do I need to take supplements forever?  This is a common question that I get when I speak at events and from clients.  It’s a fair question and one that I enjoy talking through. The quick answer is: Yes, most likely.  But this post will discuss the why around this topic as well as some […]

The Best Hummus Ever

Beans are for sure an overlooked superfood.  They are loaded with fiber, protein and lots of vitamins, minerals and other healing plant chemicals.  They’re inexpensive and can be a great base for a healthy and easy meal. In this post, I want to give you one of my favorite ways to eat beans…hummus!  I used […]

Nutritional Wisdom: Integrating Holistic Approaches With a Naturopath in Kalamazoo, MI

Herbs and spices on a table with a mortar and pestle, ready for a Naturopathic Doctor.

Holistic medicine has been gaining popularity in recent years, as more people seek the help of an alternative doctor who can provide natural options that differ from conventional healthcare. If you are looking for a holistic doctor in Kalamazoo, MI or an alternative medicine doctor near MI, consider New Hope Health. Unleashing the Power of […]

Medication or Meditation?

Medication or Meditation?

Most of the people who come to me for help, are doing so because they are motivated to heal themselves in some way and prefer to do it naturally as opposed to using medications, surgeries and other invasive procedures.  I love this about what I do and about the clients I work with! But even […]

Am I Sick or Do I Just Need to Detox?

Am I Sick or Do I Just Need to Detox?

Believe it or not, I get this question often from friends, family and clients.  Detoxing has become a popular and exciting topic that many people want to get in on.  There are of course so many gimmicks, quick-fix supplements and all kinds of money to be made around this topic.  It can be hard to […]