In your initial consultation, we will discuss your health history, symptoms, lifestyle and past injuries. Then Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) will be used to test various organs and glands. This is a powerful form of applied kinesiology that I use clinically. This type of testing gives us energetic feedback in real time from your organs and glands, so we know what areas need nutritional support (or mud packing). There is nothing else like it for dealing with immune stress, digestive concerns, or any weird symptom that you can’t seem to get to the bottom of.
(initial consultation is a pre-requisite for this service)
In follow up consultations we use QRA again to determine how your program is working and what needs to be changed to keep you moving in the right direction. This is also your time to ask questions!
(initial consultation is a pre-requisite for this service)
Just as your body has a circulatory system that moves blood to every cell in the body, you also have an energy system that works in a somewhat similar way. When the body is in a low mineral state (common) and you are injured via accidents, broken bones, surgeries, tattoos etc, it can create an energetic blockage. This can cause waste to build up in that area and also starve the given area of needed nutrients. The mud packing remediates this. You will love it! This relaxing therapy takes place in a quiet room where you are laying on a full spectrum heating pad made with healing stones. The mud is placed on the given areas, and you just rest for 20-30 minutes, until it is ready and has done it’s work. You leave feeling calm and relaxed!
(initial consultation is a pre-requisite for this service)
ERT is the emotional version of the mud packing. Just as you can have physical scars and traumas that block energy, you can also have subconscious emotional traumas. Sometimes these emotional blockages can cause you to self-sabotage your own efforts. For this therapy, we also use QRA to identify stuck emotional concepts so you can simply and easily clear them.
Nutrigenomics is the study of how your genes interact with specific nutrients, including many vitamins, minerals and macronutrients as well as substances such as caffeine, gluten and dairy. This test will also give us some guidance on what is best for you for macronutrients (carbs, proteins and fats) for optimal health and weight loss. This is a test that you only need to do once in your life because your genes don’t change. This simple cheek swab test can give us priceless and timeless information that will serve you in laying a foundation for having a long and healthy life. Click here to learn more or to order a Nutrigenomix test for you or a family member.
This is a micronutrient test that looks at what vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that you are potentially lacking INSIDE your cells. This is incredible technology. Here’s the bottom line when it comes to this test: It doesn’t matter what you eat or take if it’s not able to get INSIDE the cells! If you have any health problem, there is most certainly a nutritional deficiency of some kind. Cell Science is a blood test that you would do initially, adjust and then repeat every 6 months (although of course there’s no obligation to repeat if you choose not to). Click here if you’d like more information or to order your Cell Science micronutrient test.
We would LOVE to get you started on your path to radiant health. Contact the clinic today to schedule your initial consultation.
She loves to deliver hope to people all over the world with life changing presentations on things such as:
Dr. LeAnn is one of the most unique speakers in the health field, receiving a BS in Exercise Science, a Naturopathic Doctorate Degree, a Master’s Degree in Live and Vegan Nutrition as well as Clinical Nutrition, and a PhD in Natural Medicine with an emphasis on Quantum Physics. There are very few speakers who have the breadth and depth of knowledge that she has, along with the ability to engage and inspire your audience in a profound but practical way.
Dr. LeAnn is the founder and CEO of New Hope Health, an innovative natural health practice that helps people from all over the country reach a level of radiant health they never knew was possible. She is also the author of the books, The Quantum Weight Loss Blueprint and Get Healthy Now.
Audience members who have heard Dr. LeAnn speak walk away with hope, encouragement, inspiration, and practical ways to take their next step toward amazing health. This isn’t the same old “eat right and exercise” information that has been flying around for years. This is incredible content that gets to the heart of why people do what they do, the root of their health struggles, and gives a clear direction to the most amazing health ever. Dr. LeAnn is one of the best speakers in the health industry, and you will be glad that you invited her to present at your event.
Click here to tell us more about your event and to inquire about Dr. LeAnn’s speaking availability.
But the #1 reason people continue as clients of Dr. LeAnn is they get hope to achieve a level of health they’ve never had before.
We would LOVE to get you started on your path to radiant health. Contact the clinic today to schedule your initial consultation.
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