Cleansing is an important part of any balanced health program. Fasting is a GREAT way to cleanse. For the purpose of this article, please allow me to redefine fasting simply as “abstaining from certain substances for a given period of time for the purpose of strengthening and cleansing the body”. Given this definition, you could fast from sugar, dairy, processed foods, etc. Below is a chart that gives six options of ways that anyone can fast. The ones on the top (starting with the Daniel fast) tend to be gentler and easier to start with than the more invasive fasting on the bottom.
Fasting |
Brief Description |
Pros |
Cons |
Duration |
Daniel Fast |
Drink only water and eat only plants (vegetables and fruits) and a small amount of nuts, seeds or whole grains. (Traditionally accompanied with prayer and scripture 3x/day) |
Traditionally 10 or 21 days; can be done for many years |
Intermittent Fast |
Many options:
Years |
Green Smoothie Fast |
Consume only green smoothies (can be done with or without protein and fat) |
REALLY long term if fat is added |
Consume however much juice you’d like, any type, any quantity |
Usually 1-40 days |
Green |
Consume green juice only which is a base of 80% celery or cucumber and 20% in dark leafy greens (kale, spinach, chard, romaine, etc.) |
1-15 days |
Water only (purified) |
1-40 days ***I don’t recommend water fasting if not in a clinic. Supervised fasts are best in this case. |
Please keep in mind that it is ideal work with a qualified natural health practitioner before starting a cleansing or fasting program to understand the best approach for YOU and your specific needs. If you are extremely sick or weak, I do not recommend fasting without supervision to ensure your safety.
Enemas are an important part of the fasting that doesn’t include consuming fiber. When you dramatically reduce your calories, especially when you’re only consuming water or juice, toxins are released from the cells at a rapid rate. With no fiber to “push them out,” enemas are needed; Otherwise, toxins will be re-absorbed in the body and they are more and more toxic each time they recirculate. You can also use colon hydrotherapy, which is wonderful but of course more expensive, so many people just prefer enemas.
Spring is a great time to cleanse and fast, so determine which one you will start with and get it going! Feel free to share this article and friends and family. Fasting is always easier when done in groups!
Nothing said or implied in this post is intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any disease. It does not take the place of a qualified health care practitioner and is intended for educational purposes only.