Taking Your Health on the Road

For the past 10 or so years of my life, I have travelled A LOT.  My husband was a professional speaker.  We invest in real estate.  We have moved several times and don’t live near family.  We go to lots of educational and business development conferences/events.  My personal health care team has been out of state.  I have been on road trips, mission trips and hundreds of flights.   Trust me when I say, I have learned so many things about maintaining health while on the road.  

The purpose of this post is to just give you the download on some of my favorite health hacks for travel.

If you only travel once or twice/year, this may be helpful but likely less of an issue.  But if you’re like me and travel at least a couple of times/month, these tips could dramatically improve your health.  Days on the road can’t automatically be “off” days when you travel often.

Personally, I spend way more time packing and planning for staying healthy than I do for clothes, shoes and jewelry that I will bring.

Before traveling:

  • Do your research…Are you flying or driving?  Where are you going and what will you have access to?  Do you have a kitchen?  Are there healthy restaurants nearby?  Is there a local health food store?
  • If your travel plans involve very little free time (work trips, conferences, etc), workout a bit extra the couple of days before you go.
  • Eat up the food in your fridge and only buy foods that you can take with you.
  • Get daily pill holders and load up all your supplements for the number of days you will be gone.
  • Do the same with your powders.  I have little cups that seal that I put in any powders that I am taking (Premier Greens, Vitamin C, Fermented powders, etc).  This makes it fast and easy to add to water or smoothies.
  • Make up your snack bag…You can buy these things as well, but I like to make granola, trail mix, kale chips, oatmeal packs etc.

What to pack:

  • Comfortable shoes- Walking, even for a few minutes each day is better than nothing
  • Supplements for the number of days you’ll be gone
  • Water bottle and water…if I am driving, I will bring about 1 gallon/day…if I am flying, getting good water is the first thing I do when I land!
  • Powders for your smoothies
  • Pink salt– Yeah, it’s in my travel bag and my purse.  Good quality salt is a game changer for making your food taste great, but I will not use table salt!  This is an easy thing to pack.
  • Travel blender (if you won’t be staying somewhere that has a blender)
  • An emergency kit (I never leave home without this…if you unexpectedly start to not feel well, you will want at least a few things on hand.  Some ideas include: MediClay, Silver, Allicidin, Tea Tree essential oil, QC oil and arnica.
  • I also carry a small paring knife (in a checked bag of course) so I am able to do easy/simple food prep from anywhere (even a hotel room with no kitchen).

Eating on the road:

  • Just say no to the free junk food snacks offered on the plane or at events.  I know it’s tempting but this is much easier if you heed the next tip…
  • Many people are confused about what food you can take on a plane.  I always get on my flights with a big bag of food including some main meal (salad, rice bowl, bean salad, etc) and then also lots of snacks (fresh and dried fruits, raw nuts, kale chips, bars).  You could also make sandwiches or wraps (my husband often does this)…any way you cut it, you’re doing way better by bringing food from home rather than relying on airport food or fast food on the road.  (Plus, you usually save a lot of time/money this way).
  • As often as possible, start your day with a green smoothie or water with Premier Greens added.  Dehydration is a major factor when traveling and is easily prevented.
  • Restaurants- Especially in bigger cities, there are often lots of options for organic vegan food.  You can use google or apps such as “Happy Cow” to find some great places.
  • If you can’t choose where you eat for some reason, don’t give up.  Even most steak houses have salads, steamed veggies, baked potatoes and rice dishes.   Some will even have other add-ons such as beans or avocado.
  • Stop at the grocery store.  I prefer a good health food store if possible, but even a regular grocery store can be good.  Depending on if you have a kitchen or not…you can buy fresh fruit for snacks and smoothies, sour kraut, hummus and veggies, salad items, kale chips, raw nuts/seeds.  (If I am driving from home, I pack most of these things and bring them with me).
  • Load up your briefcase, travel bag or purse with Organic Food Bars, raw nuts, dried fruit, granola, etc.

Other hacks:

  • Do your best to stay as close to your sleep schedule as possible.  If you are traveling over time zones, using Melatonin at night and Green Tea ND in the morning can help you avoid jet lag and adjust quicker.
  • I recommend taking Green Tea ND to counter the radiation that you receive from flying.  When I fly, I am sure to take this the day before, the day of and the day or two after I fly.
  • Even if you can’t fully stick with your health routine, do what you can.  A short workout is better than nothing….taking your supplements once/day is better than not taking them at all, eating too much fruit is better than choosing junk food, etc.

There are lots more specific hacks that can be implemented depending on your specific trip, but hopefully these will give you a good start.  When you’re traveling, you do sometimes have to work a bit harder to stay healthy…but it is possible and WORTH it!  For more great tips like this, be sure you are following us on social media.

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Nothing said or implied in this post is intended to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any disease.  It does not take the place of a qualified health care practitioner and is intended for educational purposes only.

Dr. LeAnn Fritz, PhD

Dr. LeAnn is a practitioner, coach, speaker, consultant, and the founder of New Hope Health. She is also the author of The Quantum Weight Loss Blueprint, and Get Healthy Now. She is laser-focused on practical, evidence-based practices to empower her clients to get real results that last. She sets the bar when it comes to radiant health that will change every area of your life forevermore.

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