Hormone Help Basics

There is a huge number of hormone/endocrine challenges in the United States today.  Hormone imbalances have several causes and can impact the entire body; however, they specifically impact the reproductive organs, thyroid, liver and brain.  These issues are causing trouble in the health of both men and women, young and old.  The implications are wide […]

Are You a Coffee Addict?

Coffee does have some beneficial properties but it’s important to look at the big picture.  The benefits from coffee can easily be gained in other healthier ways that don’t also have negative/harmful side effects. Read on… Coffee, like any food or drink, varies a great deal in its nutritional value based on the quality and […]

Shedding Light on Labels: It’s “Natural,” but is it HEALTHY?

Shopping at the grocery store or ordering at a restaurant can be daunting when you’re wanting to eat clean. How do you know what foods to avoid? What ingredients on a label should you watch out for? And just because something’s labeled “organic,” is it actually good for you?My hope is to give you simple […]

Can’t Lose Weight? There’s Always a Reason!

Having a hard time losing weight?  I know…it can be SO frustrating.  I have been there. But more importantly, I have had the privilege of helping TONS of people JUST LIKE YOU reach their ideal weight for good!  There are a few uncommon things to consider that may help you along the way:  Weight is […]

You Don’t Have to be Diabetic To Have Blood Sugar Challenges (Part 1)

So many people are suffering ill health effects because of the abundance of sugar— specifically, fructose in the diet.  You don’t have to be diagnosed as diabetic to be in this category.  Too much fructose could be THE REASON THAT YOU CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT! Common symptoms of blood sugar issues (often Pre-Diabetic): Inability to lose […]

Raw-Vegan-Organic-Whole Food-AMAZING!

You don’t have to sacrifice taste to be healthy! If you want to entertain and make food that both your health-conscious and not-so-health-conscious friends will love, look no further.  I am often asked for good recipes, even though I don’t usually use recipes and instead do everything by taste…  But I measured everything out and […]

Can Your Body Use the Food You Eat?

Why do we even need to talk about digestion? Because if you don’t have good digestion, even the best efforts to eat good food are in vain. Digestion is the physical (teeth) and chemical (enzymes) process of breaking down your food into usable components. Assimilation, which is closely tied but not talked about as much […]