What Is Naturopathy? | Understanding Naturopathic Principles

It seems like the general population often views naturopathy as inferior to traditional or conventional medicine.  Yet, most of those people probably don’t understand the benefits of using naturopathic principles. Mainstream medicine tends to pay a lot of attention to treating the physical symptoms of an illness without really getting to the root cause of […]

Hormone Help Basics

There is a huge number of hormone/endocrine challenges in the United States today.  Hormone imbalances have several causes and can impact the entire body; however, they specifically impact the reproductive organs, thyroid, liver and brain.  These issues are causing trouble in the health of both men and women, young and old.  The implications are wide […]

Green Smoothies: One of the Best Things You Can Do Each Day for Your Health!

A green smoothie is a blended drink containing fruit, liquid (pure water is the best), and some type of dark leafy greens.  If done with fresh organic ingredients, this is one of the healthiest, most nutrient dense meals you can consume.  I myself do these in the morning and/or post-workout!  And why should you and […]

You Ate It… But Did You Digest It?

Digestion and assimilation are some of the most important keys to health.  If you can’t digest your food, even if you eat the healthiest diet available, you will eventually suffer greatly due to the lack of nutrition that’s actually able to be used by the body. Also, did you know that for most people, about […]

Are You a Coffee Addict?

Coffee does have some beneficial properties but it’s important to look at the big picture.  The benefits from coffee can easily be gained in other healthier ways that don’t also have negative/harmful side effects. Read on… Coffee, like any food or drink, varies a great deal in its nutritional value based on the quality and […]

The Second Most Important Substance On Earth: Water!

Need to drink more water but have a tough time getting it in?  This may help. Other than air itself, water is the most important life-giving substance on the planet.  It’s needed for nearly every metabolic function in the body;  our brains are mainly water and fat; water carries oxygen throughout our body; it helps […]

Raw-Vegan-Organic-Whole Food-AMAZING!

You don’t have to sacrifice taste to be healthy! If you want to entertain and make food that both your health-conscious and not-so-health-conscious friends will love, look no further.  I am often asked for good recipes, even though I don’t usually use recipes and instead do everything by taste…  But I measured everything out and […]

Your Symptoms are NOT Normal

I used to own a health food store and people would come in asking, “What do I take for XYZ?” There’s a tendency to look for a quick remedy that will get us out of pain, not realizing that there’s a REASON for the pain!  It’s understandable to want out of pain—  symptoms are no […]

Why Can’t I Lose These Extra Pounds?

Excess weight has a purpose in the body.  Yes, that’s right.  I know we normally hate it but it’s there for a reason.  When you deal with the reason, the weight goes away with relative ease.  Weight is always a protection for either the physical body or sometimes its an emotional protection.  It serves as […]