Green Smoothies: One of the Best Things You Can Do Each Day for Your Health!

A green smoothie is a blended drink containing fruit, liquid (pure water is the best), and some type of dark leafy greens.  If done with fresh organic ingredients, this is one of the healthiest, most nutrient dense meals you can consume.  I myself do these in the morning and/or post-workout!  And why should you and […]

The Second Most Important Substance On Earth: Water!

Need to drink more water but have a tough time getting it in?  This may help. Other than air itself, water is the most important life-giving substance on the planet.  It’s needed for nearly every metabolic function in the body;  our brains are mainly water and fat; water carries oxygen throughout our body; it helps […]

Could You Be Suffering Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms?

Due to all the things going on in the world (i.e. all the trauma, natural disasters, poverty, relationship issues, violence, etc.), I would like to take a moment to address post-traumatic stress from a holistic perspective.  I am not just referring to or addressing clinically diagnosed PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder), but rather the deep and […]

You Don’t Have to be Diabetic To Have Blood Sugar Challenges (Part 2)

For the complete story about blood sugar challenges, read part 1 of this blog (this is part 2). But in case you don’t have time, the bottom line is this:  There are many types of sugar, some healing and some most extremely harmful.  They are not all the same.  Many people have sub-clinical issues due […]

You Don’t Have to be Diabetic To Have Blood Sugar Challenges (Part 1)

So many people are suffering ill health effects because of the abundance of sugar— specifically, fructose in the diet.  You don’t have to be diagnosed as diabetic to be in this category.  Too much fructose could be THE REASON THAT YOU CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT! Common symptoms of blood sugar issues (often Pre-Diabetic): Inability to lose […]

Keto– What’s the Big Deal?

The “Keto” diet has taken the nation by storm and is the latest fad diet as it pertains to weight loss.  Let’s start out with a basic definition to ensure we are on the same page.  Keto is short for ketosis, which is the term used when the body uses fat for fuel as opposed […]