Can You Reverse Type 2 Diabetes? | Alternative Medicine Kalamazoo MI
As a naturopathic doctor who is regularly involved in holistic and natural health interventions, I often find myself working with patients who have been told by other “health care providers” that they must be on medication forever, that there is no cure, or that there is “nothing else that can be done” for them. The […]
Could You Be Suffering Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms?
Due to all the things going on in the world (i.e. all the trauma, natural disasters, poverty, relationship issues, violence, etc.), I would like to take a moment to address post-traumatic stress from a holistic perspective. I am not just referring to or addressing clinically diagnosed PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder), but rather the deep and […]
Can’t Lose Weight? There’s Always a Reason!
Having a hard time losing weight? I know…it can be SO frustrating. I have been there. But more importantly, I have had the privilege of helping TONS of people JUST LIKE YOU reach their ideal weight for good! There are a few uncommon things to consider that may help you along the way: Weight is […]
Your Symptoms are NOT Normal
I used to own a health food store and people would come in asking, “What do I take for XYZ?” There’s a tendency to look for a quick remedy that will get us out of pain, not realizing that there’s a REASON for the pain! It’s understandable to want out of pain— symptoms are no […]