Your Amazing Pancreas | Alternative Medicine Kalamazoo MI

What is acute pancreatitis? The suffix “itis” usually refers to an inflammatory condition.  So, by definition, acute pancreatitis is diagnosed when the pancreas becomes suddenly inflamed.  However, in many cases this condition is not really “sudden” but rather something that slowly worsens over time; it’s just not diagnosed until it reaches a certain degree of […]

Can You Reverse Type 2 Diabetes? | Alternative Medicine Kalamazoo MI

As a naturopathic doctor who is regularly involved in holistic and natural health interventions, I often find myself working with patients who have been told by other “health care providers” that they must be on medication forever, that there is no cure, or that there is “nothing else that can be done” for them.  The […]

Your 20/20 VISION for Health | Holistic Healthcare

We live in a culture full of misinformation about most health-related symptoms.  One of those myths that SO many people tend to believe is that issues with impaired vision and eyesight are inevitable, especially as you age.  The need for glasses or contacts to help you see close-up (reading) or far distances (driving) is common, […]