Dysbiosis- Do you have the Guts? | Get Healthy Now!

Chaos in our guts What in the world is going on? In the United States, the rates of illness continue to rise. Regardless of if you’re speaking of cancer, heart disease and diabetes or seemingly less serious conditions like digestive distress, sleep challenges and trouble losing weight, we are in crisis as a nation and […]
Heart Burn 101 | Alternative Medicine Kalamazoo MI

There are countless health issues that modern medicine claims can be treated; however most treatments come with side effects that alter your body’s homeostasis. Heart burn is one of these issues. This post will give you more information on using alternative medicine and natural foods to dramatically help you to regain comfortable and enjoyable dining. […]
The Secrets of Conquering Stress

What is stress? Stress is anything that throws your body out of balance (physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually…as if they could be separated). The stress response is the body’s effort to restore that balance. The body was created with the wisdom to address survival first, and only once you’re out of danger will it allow for […]