Your Amazing Pancreas | Alternative Medicine Kalamazoo MI

What is acute pancreatitis? The suffix “itis” usually refers to an inflammatory condition. So, by definition, acute pancreatitis is diagnosed when the pancreas becomes suddenly inflamed. However, in many cases this condition is not really “sudden” but rather something that slowly worsens over time; it’s just not diagnosed until it reaches a certain degree of […]
How to Eat More Food and Get Away with It! | Holistic Health Kalamazoo

Many people eat socially (in the break room/ weddings/ funerals/ business meetings/ family gatherings) or by the clock (for example, eating lunch at noon because it’s “lunch time” even if you’re not hungry) rather than because they are truly physiologically hungry. For this reason, it’s common to be out of touch with what true hunger […]
4 Reasons to Avoid Peanuts and Peanut Products | Alternative Medicine Kalamazoo MI

I used to eat peanuts all the time thinking it was a health food. I think it’s safe to say, unless you had a severe peanut allergy, we all grew up on them! Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, spread between crackers, dry or honey roasted as snacks, licked off a spoon, melted into toast, baked […]
Can Your Body Use the Food You Eat?

Why do we even need to talk about digestion? Because if you don’t have good digestion, even the best efforts to eat good food are in vain. Digestion is the physical (teeth) and chemical (enzymes) process of breaking down your food into usable components. Assimilation, which is closely tied but not talked about as much […]