Chia Seeds 101

Chia seeds are an excellent source of protein, fat, fiber and calcium.1  Specifically, they are a great plant source of omega 3’s which are helpful for the brain, nervous system, and kidneys as well as a great anti-inflammatory.2 Chia seeds are associated with helping many conditions including blood pressure, cholesterol, cardiovascular disease and constipation.3  A […]

Healthy Hair

This post will cover all things related to hair… Strong, healthy, shiny hair is what most women want.  It’s not only a sign of vitality but also a part of our self-image.  “Doing” our hair is part of presenting ourselves to the world each day. We see beautiful hair models on the shampoo commercials but […]

Is It Time for You to Give Up?

Sometimes people resist starting new health programs of various kinds out of a fear that they will need to give up something that they really love.  This could include sleeping in, binging on processed foods, fast food, alcohol, caffeine, animal products, sugar, comfort of any kind, emotional eating, leaving a high stress job and a […]

My Take on the Medical Medium

Many have asked, especially lately, what I think about the “Medical Medium”. For those who might not know about him, I am referring to a man named Anthony William Coviello, who refers to himself as The Medical Medium.  A medium is defined as a person who is able to make contact with the “spirit world” […]

You’re So Sweet

You likely know that refined white sugar, Splenda and aspartame are not health promoting sweeteners.  But what about all the other “more natural” sweeteners?  It seems like there’s a new one every time you turn around. When asking, “What is the best sweetener to use?”, it can be a tricky question to answer.  The answer […]

Are you Healthy?

Defining terms is important.  “Health” is an extremely relative term.   Many doctors will tell their patients that they are healthy if there are no red flags on their blood work (even if they don’t feel well).  Basically, if they don’t have a disease, they are medically healthy. But I’d love for you to consider […]

Raising Testosterone Levels

I have been asked more and more lately how to raise testosterone levels.   This is important to many men for different reasons.  For some it’s because they want to be more aggressive and less fearful or anxious…for others, it has to do with building muscle and looking jacked…and for many it’s about sexual health […]

A Crash Course in Radiant Skin

The skin is often neglected.  We take it for granted until something goes wrong.  When we start to see rashes, acne, wrinkles, red spots or dryness, all the sudden we become aware of our skin again.  It covers you, literally.  As the largest organ in the body, the skin helps protect you from the elements, […]

A Healthy Man has Many Wishes

I have been both blessed and challenged lately by this powerful Indian proverb: A healthy man has many wishes. The sick man only one. Fair warning…this is essentially a page from my personal journal… Blessed… I am blessed to have so much light in the area of health…I love learning about health, strengthening my own health […]

Flex your Longevity Muscle

Muscle doesn’t have to decline with age, but it normally does.  It’s not having birthdays that causes muscle to go down though.  It’s more due to the fact that most people are less active as they age.  That’s great news because that’s something you CAN control! Having less muscle may seem benign…who cares if you […]

Sleep Like a Baby

When you sleep good, life is so much more joyful and easier to navigate.  You just feel better about everything! When you don’t sleep well or enough, you contend with so much more brain fog, moodiness, fatigue, immune stress and food cravings, just to name a few.   For a night here or there, getting […]

Microwaves: Convenience or Danger?

They’re fast and convenient…but are they actually health promoting or even safe?  What do they do to your food?  Is it okay to use them now and then?  Those are the things we will dive into in this post. The use of microwaves has become an even more important topic as we, as a society, […]